Access Settings

These shortcodes allow you to control content visibility based on guest status, login state, subscription status, email domains, and email lists.

For the following shortcodes:

  • [in_email_domain_list]

  • [not_in_email_domain_list]

  • [in_email_list]

  • [not_in_email_list]

Please read our documentation on Email Lists for further details.

They also all need the parameters lists="???, ???" with the IDs of the created Email List.

For the following shortcodes:

  • [subscriber]

  • [not_subscriber]

Need the content_id="???" with the ID of the event in the shortcode in order to work.

The attendance_mode parameter is also accepted and specifies the attendance mode a user needs to have in order to see the content between the shortcode.


  • Type: Text

  • Default Value: None

  • Usage:

    • attendance_mode="remote"

    • attendance_mode="in_person"


Displays content only to users who are not logged in.

  • Usage:

    Content for guests only.


Displays content only to logged-in users.

  • Usage:

    Content for logged-in users.


Displays content only to users with an active subscription.

  • Usage:

[subscriber content_id="123"]
    Content for subscribers only.


Displays content only to users without an active subscription.

  • Usage:

[not_subscriber content_id="123"]
    Content for non-subscribers.


Displays content to users whose email domain is explicitly allowed.

  • Parameters:

    • domain (optional): Specify a comma-separated list of allowed domains.

  • Usage:

[email_domain_allow domain=","]
    Content for specific email domains.


Displays content to users whose email domain is not in the allowed list.

  • Parameters:

    • domain (optional): Specify a comma-separated list of disallowed domains.

  • Usage:

[email_domain_not_allowed domain=","]
    Content restricted by email domains.


Displays content if the user's email domain is in a predefined list.

  • Usage:

    Content for users in the email domain list.


Displays content if the user's email domain is not in a predefined list.

  • Usage:

    Content for users not in the email domain list.


Displays content if the user's email is explicitly in a predefined list.

  • Usage:

    Content for users in the email list.


Displays content if the user's email is not in a predefined list.

  • Usage:

    Content for users not in the email list.


The no_access_message parameter specifies the text to display when a user does not meet the criteria of these access settings shortcodes.


  • Type: Text

  • Default Value: Blank space

  • Usage:

    • Set no_access_message="You do not have access to this content"

Each shortcode can be nested within others for more granular visibility control. Make sure to test combinations for the desired effect!

Last updated